Work layout basis
Layout base for surveying tachymetric plan.

Topographic Survey and Geotechnical Study of the Land for the Construction Project of the New Gijón Local Police Station for
Serrano-Suñer Architecture Office

Geotechnical and Ground Stability Study of a Slope Landslide on the Camino del Faro de Cudillero, for TRAGSA

drilling cart lifting
Image of the Hoisting of the survey machine on the Access Road to the Cudillero Lighthouse
Probe in the slide zone promenade
Survey on the Walk of the Access Road to the Cudillero Lighthouse in the landslide area.

Geotechnical and Stability Study of a Slope on the Camino Gamonal in Aguda – Gijón, for the Gijón City Council.

Probing in landslide zone
Slip head probe, on the local road of Aguda – Gijon.
Partial view of the slide zone
Partial view of the head area of ​​the landslide on Aguda local road- Gijon.

Geotechnical Study of the Land of the Calle Ezcurdia No. 73 from Gijón, for Constructions Los Campos.

survey n6 on Ezcurdia street
Survey No. 6 in the Geotechnical Study of Ezcurdia Street 73, Gijon.
Poll n 2 in the inner courtyard
Poll no. 2 in the inner courtyard of the site, Ezcurdia Street No. 73 – Gijon

Geotechnical Land Study for the Construction Project of the Pendueles WWTP (Llanes), for TRAGSA.

Excavation of reconnaissance pits
Excavation of geotechnical reconnaissance pits and taking of unaltered samples.
Pit excavation and super heavy dynamic penetration tests
Pit excavation and super heavy dynamic penetration tests.

Hydrogeological Study for Application for Discharge Concession of a Hotel in El Franco- The charity, for Siroko Motrocycles S.L.

Calicatas in the area close to the Hotel for placement of the WWTP or septic tank
Reconnaissance pits and taking unaltered samples to determine the permeability of the ground.
Calicatas in the area close to the Hotel for placement of the WWTP or septic tank
Calicata and taking of unaltered samples, determination of soil permeability.

Geotechnical Study of the Land for the Construction Project of the Services Building of the La Curiscada Aerodrome – El Crucero (tineo), for TRAGSA.

Survey in the Services Building of the Curiscada Aerodrome.
Survey in Geotechnical Study of the Services Building of the Curiscada Aerodrome – tineo.
Superweight Dynamic Penetration Tests at the Curiscada Aerodrome
Superheavy Dynamic Penetration Test in the Geotechnical Study of the Building. of Services of the Curiscada Aerodrome.

Topographic Survey and Ground Stability Study of a Slope in the Pervera Industrial Estate, in Pervera (Carreno),
for Dayfer Constructions.

Probe in cracked ship
Survey inside an Industrial Warehouse affected by slope instability.
Cracked ship exterior
Exterior of the warehouse affected by a slope slide in Pol. Pervera Industrial – Carreno
Broken witness in cracked ship
Broken witness in control of loading crack in warehouse affected by the slope slide.

Topographic Survey and Geotechnical Study for the Stability of a Slipped Slope in the municipality of Quintana del Medio no. 1.
La Manjoya – Oviedo, for Roberto Fernandez.

Establishment of general Traverse for Topography calculations.
Topographic base image for surveying a tachymetric plane in a slope slide.
Establishment of general Traverse for Topography calculations.
Image of the topographic base for surveying a tachymetric plan of a slipped slope.
Establishment of general Traverse for Topography calculations.
Image of a borehole at the head of a slipped slope.
Establishment of general Traverse for Topography calculations.
Another image of a drilling at the head of a slipped slope.
Establishment of general Traverse for Topography calculations.
Image of topographic base for surveying a tachymetric plane on a slipped slope.

Construction Project and Work Management of a Support Breakwater for a slipped slope in the municipality of Quintana de El Medio
La Manjoya – Oviedo, for Roberto Fernandez.

Poll no. 1 in sliding
Poll no. 2 at the foot of a slip
Final school work
Image of the head of the slope after restoration applying a constructive solution of support breakwater
Slope slide under the house
Geotechnical profile of the slope slide.
Start of riprap placement
Image of the beginning of the construction solution for the support breakwater.
Construction of breakwater
Lateral image of the construction of the support breakwater.
Constructive solution to landslide
Geotechnical profile with the recommended construction solution.

Topographic Survey and Geotechnical Stability Study of a Slipped Slope in the municipality of La Parra no. 238 , Naveces – Castrillón, for Rosa Ríos and Julio Cesar Alvarez.

Construction Project and Work Management of a Breakwater to Support a Slipped Slope in the municipality of La Parra no. 238, Naveces – Castrillón, for Rosa Ríos and Julio Cesar Alvarez.

Survey in home area
Survey at the head of the slope of a hillslide, in Naveces – Castrillon
fall of the wall
Image of a reinforced concrete support wall, overturned on a house due to a slope slide.
Placing slip breakwater.
Lateral image of the foundation of a support breakwater on a slipped slope in Naveces.
Survey in Head slope slope
Drilling in Cabeza slipped slope in Naveces – Castrillon.
Hillside slide with wall
Another image of the support wall overturned on the house due to the push of the hillside slide.
Constructive solution to landslide
Profile of the constructive solution to landslide, through breakwater walls.
Placing the lower part of the breakwater
Image of the placement of breakwater in the lower part of the slipped slope

Preliminary Geotechnical and Slope Stability Report for the Reservoir and Reversible Hydroelectric Power Plant Construction Project (CHR) from Torga, in San Antolín de Ibias, for
Valdetesinos developments (Atalaya Wind Generation Group).

Preliminary Geotechnical Study of the Torga Reservoir
Preliminary Geotechnical Study of the Torga Reservoir Basin
Torga Reservoir Slope Geomechanical Station
Image of a Geomechanical Station slopes Torga reservoir.
Torga Reservoir Slope Geomechanical Station
Geomechanical Station on an outcrop of one of the slopes in the Torga Reservoir.

Geotechnical and Slope Stability Study for the Environmental Restoration Project of the Mina Espinos Waste Dump, in Turón (Mieres), for TRAGSA.

View of Building with Argayu
Image of a hillside eroded by the overflow of the Arroyo Espinos in the Mina Espinos Escombrera.
Stratum Measurement
Image of a direction and dip shot on a rock outcrop.
Layer direction and dip measurement
Detail image of taking direction and dip with compass, from a rock outcrop.
Penetrometer No. 1
Superheavy dynamic penetration test image with undisturbed surface sampling.
SPT test
Detail image of the unaltered type sample taking using dynamic penetration equipment.
Penetrometro Nº4
Super heavy dynamic penetration test image.
Overview of the slide
General view of the landslide on the slope affected by erosion and landslide

Geotechnical and Slope Stability Study for the Environmental Restoration Project of the Lavares Fluorspar Waste Dump in Arlós – Llanera, for TRAGSA.

Views of the Survey in the lower part
Image of a drilling at the foot of the slope in the Arlós Fluorespam Waste Waste.
Box with witnesses from survey no. 1
Box with survey witnesses.
Views of the Survey in the lower part
General view of the location of a drilling at the foot of the slope in Escombrera de Arlós.
Outcrop with horizontal stratification
Image of a rock outcrop with horizontal stratification in the Arlós spoil heap

Geotechnical and Slope Stability Study for the Environmental Restoration Project of the Coto Quirós Coal Dump in the municipality of Monte Carrizal , in Cienfuegos – Quirós, for TRAGSA.

Survey overview.
Image of the situation of a survey at the head of the slope in the Coto Quirós waste dump.
Removing unchanged from the survey
Drilling battery assembly image, in Coto Quirós waste dump.
Borehole casing.
General image of the survey work.
Measuring the inclinometer
Image of introduction of inclinometric probe in survey-inclinometer in Coto Quirós waste dump.

Hydrogeological Study for the Application for Discharge Concession in Mina Consuelo, for Kaolines La Espina (Arcichamotas Group).

Environmental restoration of the land in Mina Consuelo.
Environmental restoration of the land in Mina Consuelo
Mina Consuelo settling pond
Mina Consuelo settling pond
Plant with automatic chemical flocculant dispenser.
Chemical treatment plant with automatic dispenser and chemical reagent addition pumps.

Hydrogeological Study of the Land of new Kaolin Mining Exploitation, New Partridge, for Kaolines La Espina (Arcichamotas Group).

Hydrogeological Study of the Land of the new TRAS ZARRIN kaolin mining operation in La Espina (Salas), for
Caolines La Espina SL (Arcichamotas Group).